our beliefs.

God is the Creator of all things—the heavens and the earth—all of it “good,” beautiful beyond description, full of life and abundance, creatures and creation flourishing together in harmony. But humanity, in its disobedience and rebellion against God, despoiled God’s good creation. We no longer enjoy the original blessing of relationship with God and his good creation. And as much as we want to fix what we have broken and restore the peace-filled, thriving world as God created it in the beginning, we can’t make our world right and whole again. ALL OF US NEED TO BE SAVED from both the guilt of our sinful disobedience and the grip that it holds on our lives—so that we can be free, with the brokenness of our lives and that of our world healed and made whole again.

God loves his creation and longs for it to be restored to wholeness, once again showing his creative intent – full of life, with creature and creation thriving together. God loves all humanity and seeks for all people to be redeemed and brought back into a right relationship with him. Only God can fix what we have broken—only he can cleanse our evil, selfish hearts and bring us back into relationship with him. And so it is good news—the very best news—that God has made a way for us to be saved—redeemed, healed, and made whole. ALL OF US CAN BE SAVED by trusting that God has done everything necessary for our salvation through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

God promises forgiveness and new life—a second chance and clean slate—when we put our faith in Jesus. ALL OF US CAN KNOW WE ARE SAVED because God speaks to our hearts through his Holy Spirit, changing us to be like Jesus, restoring in us the image of God, and leading us into more and better life than we ever dreamed or imagined. This doesn’t mean that life will be easy or smooth sailing. But we never need to live in despair that we are not good enough for God’s love. Instead, we can live in confidence of our eternal destiny as part of God’s kingdom.

As we open our lives to God’s work in us, he heals us of our brokenness and changes us to be who he intended us to be in creation. There are no limits to what the grace of God can do in transforming and healing us in this life. ALL OF US CAN BE SAVED TO THE UTTERMOST. God’s Spirit at work through us allows us to perfectly love God with our whole being and to love our neighbours as ourselves. We are empowered to join God in his mission to see all things reconciled to himself and to establish his kingdom of shalom, to bring wholeness and thriving to individuals, families, and communities. Gods’ mission of renewing and restoring everything will be complete when Jesus comes again, making all things right.

For more information, download the formal statement of the Free Methodist Church in Canada Articles of Faith.